WEID Notation | Implementations | Protocols | Products | WEID Consortium

WEID Specification

An Object Identifier (OID) is an extensively used identification mechanism jointly developed by ITU-T and ISO/IEC for naming any type of object, concept, or “thing” with a globally unambiguous name. (More information about OIDs can be found at www.oid-info.com)

There are three well-known notations for OIDs:

WEID (WEhowski IDentifier) is another notation for OIDs, developed by Till Wehowski and Daniel Marschall:

In the initial version of the WEID specification of 2011, only OIDs below the WEID root arc could be used. In a later definition by Daniel Marschall, any existing OID can be written in WEID notation, by defining sub-namespaces.

The registry of sub-namespaces has currently the following entries:

To get an OID in accordance with Recommendation ITU-T X.600 assigned, you need to find a Registration Authority that assigns you an OID. You can obtain an OID as WEID and manage your own arc, e.g. by:

The construction of a WEID is demonstrated with the example OID 2.999:

Recommendations for WEID notation (as of Spec Change 8):

Recommendations for WEID notation (as of Spec Change 9):

Changes with Spec Change 10: Domain-WEID:

Changes with Spec Change 11: Proprietary Namespaces:

Changes with Spec Change 12: URN Namespace:

Additional notes:

The current version of the specification is 12, which is identified with the OID (weid:1-8-1-6-1-C-5).

The standard is also released as ViaThinkSoft/Webfan Standard No. 3

© WEID is developed by Daniel Marschall / ViaThinkSoft and Melanie Wehowski.

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